Snakebite Management: Sink Your Teeth into Envenomation Education
Faculty: William Banner Jr, MD, PhD & Susan Smith, MSN/ED, RN

CE Accreditation for this article expired on August 31, 2016.

Learning Objectives (Outcomes)

Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  1. Name characteristics of Pit vipers and the pathophysiology of Crotalid venoms
  2. Describe clinical presentations of crotaline envenomation and identify appropriate patients for antivenom therapy
  3. Explain guidelines for snakebite envenomation treatment including antivenom preparation, administration, initial dosing and maintenance dosing
  4. List appropriate maintenance care and monitoring strategies including how to handle swelling measurements and hypersensitivity reactions
  5. Describe appropriate follow-up and at-home care including patient education.

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In this snake envenomation one-hour, CE Webinar two nationally recognized and respected opinion leaders will teach clinical presentations of crotaline envenomation, pathophysiology, and how to identify appropriate patients for antivenom therapy. Evidenced based guidelines will be explained including a unified treatment algorithm from a consensus of experts. The expert speakers will address treatment, bedside maintenance care and monitoring strategies including how to handle swelling measurements and hypersensitivity reactions. Appropriate follow-up and at-home care including patient education will also be discussed.

Continuing Education Credits

The accredited CE provider, The Center of Excellence In Education (CEE), is an organization devoted to meeting the educational needs of all levels of healthcare professionals. This educational activity has been planned in accordance with The California Board of Registered Nursing requirements for nursing education.

Physician Assistants (PAs) can submit this module for Category 2 CME for practice-related activities and self-directed activities per National Commission on Certification of the Physician Assistants (NCCPA).

Documentation of awarded credit is provided for registered learners in exchange for completed post test and activity evaluations included in the module.

Target Audience

This webinar is designed for physician assistants (PAs), nurse practitioners (NPs), nurses and other healthcare providers on the front lines of snakebite care including critical care and emergency department nurses, nurse practitioners and physician assistants.

Needs Statement

CEE assesses the needs for CE activities through the latest evidence-based data and science that ultimately improves patient outcomes.

Activity Goals

The overall goal of this activity is to improve knowledge and competence by the target audience implementing the evidence-based snake bite protocols. The learner will be able to call on best practice protocols that provide optimal care.


It is the policy of The Center of Excellence in Education to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its sponsored educational activities. Commercial support from industry does not influence educational content, faculty selection, and/or faculty presentations, and does not compromise the scientific integrity of the educational activity.

Discussion of off-label product usage and/or off-label product use during live cases is made at the sole discretion of the faculty. Off-label product discussion and usage are not endorsed by The Center of Excellence in Education.

Authors, faculty and planners participating in continuing medical education activities sponsored by The Center of Excellence in Education are required to disclose to the activity audience any real or apparent conflicts of interest related to the content of their presentations. Faculty not complying with this policy are not permitted to participate in this activity.

Disclosure to the Readers

A review has been conducted by the CEE Education Committee that includes evaluation of objectives, content, faculty qualifications, and commercial supporters (i.e. pharma companies, instrument or device manufacturers) to comply with industry standards.

All authors and planners have disclosed that they have no relevant conflicts of interest and forms are on file for review.

For any CE related inquiry, please contact

Activity Sponsorship

This article is sponsored by The Center of Excellence in Education.

Program Support

This article is funded through an independent educational grant through a commercial supporter. The Center of Excellence in Education ensures that its activities are educational and meet the needs of the target audience.

This educational activity is developed without influence from commercial supporters.

This educational activity is supported by an educational grant from BTG International Inc. in accordance with industry standards.


This article does not endorse any commercial products.

CE Accreditation for this article originated on August 1, 2014.