NPWT and Mechanical dNPWT in Chronic Wound Treatment Across the Continuum of Care
Faculty: Dot Weir, RN, CWON, CWS

CME Accreditation for this article expired on April 30, 2019

Learning Objectives (Outcomes)

Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the difference between acute and chronic wounds
  2. Discuss the importance of appropriate wound bed prep
  3. Establish appropriate healing and treatment goals for chronic wounds across the wound care continuum
  4. Describe the science supporting traditional NPWT in the treatment of chronic wounds
  5. Differentiate traditional NPWT from mechanical dNPWT and the impact that they both have in the treatment of chronic wounds

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CE Disclosure to the Readers

The Center of Excellence in Education (CEE) is an approved provider of CA Board of Registered Nursing and CA EMT continuing education. This self-study, web-based activity is provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing Credit provider #CEP12084; California Pre-hospital (EMT-P) CE provider #65-0537 for one (1) hour of continuing education credit.

All authors and planners have disclosed that they have no relevant conflicts of interest and forms are on file for review.

Successful completion of this activity requires a completed post-test and evaluation. You will then print your CE Certificate from the website.

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Activity Sponsorship

This article is sponsored by The Center of Excellence in Education.

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This article is funded through an educational grant through a commercial supporter. The Center of Excellence in Education ensures that its activities are educational and meet the needs of the target audience.

This educational activity is developed without influence from commercial supporters.

This educational activity is supported by an educational grant from Acelity in accordance with industry standards.


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CE Accreditation for this article expired on April 30, 2019.